
Friday, 5 August 2011

The Story of Us - aka a Proposal to Remember

I've just read through my last post - hmmmm, t'was a tad... cranky, for want of a better word. So let me counter act that unpleasantness with the uplifting "Story of Us"...

Nearly 9 years ago, I was quietly sitting at my office desk, minding my own business, when a spunky young man who I had met before, and briefly chatted with, sat down at the desk next to mine and started talking.
A mere 15 minutes later, he walked away again. Leaving in his wake a young woman with a smile the size of the sun on her face; we had just arranged our first date! You see that cute guy who just left the building, he's my Boyfriend!!

Fast forward 6 years, during which time my Boyfriend and I had travelled to the UK, Jordan, Russia, Oman, Fiji; we had moved overseas to start a business and we had moved back to Australia to close a business.... It was a busy time!
We had just finished a 16-month stint of living in separate countries (not fun!) and were finally together again, in our little flat, re-discovering our bond as a full time couple.

We had talked about marriage before, and always came back to the point “but we know how we feel about each other, and our commitment to this relationship – lets be happy with that”, and we were.

And then I peed on a stick  J 

Fast forward another 9-months, during which time my belly had grown to outrageous proportions, my patience had shrunk, and I was waddling like a penguin. Sexy stuff!

After 3 days of pre-labour and 7 hours of labouring at home, I decided that it was time to go to hospital (don't worry, for those who are interested, our birth story will be another post!)

Just as we are about to leave the flat, my Boyfriend pulls me in to the baby's room.
"Are you ready?" He asks, with his arm around my shoulders.
I burst into tears, "No!" I cry, "I am not ready!"
And then out it comes (his proposal, people, not the baby!) "Melissa, I love you. I am so proud of you. I can't wait to meet this new person that we have made together, and I am so excited for our future. Will you marry me?"
I cried harder "Yes! Now can we please go to the hospital!?"
(Honestly? I cannot remember the exact phrasing used by my Boyfriend during the proposal. But bear in mind, I was in labour, very exhausted and an insanely heady mix of excited and terrified about what was to come (with the baby, people, not the wedding!)... so I have chosen to use some creative license in this particular narrative)

Totally not us!

Cut to 8 hours later, when my Fiance and I welcomed our beautiful Little Monster into the world, and all thoughts of proposals and weddings completely vanished from our heads, until we suddenly remembered to tell our families two weeks later.

My Husband and I were married April this year. After 8 ½ years of blissfully living in sin, and with a Little Monster in the mix, we finally decided to make it official.  J

Pics: 1 & 2 3

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAW! what a sweet post.
    Yes, you totally forgot to tell me you got engaged till 6 months later, ha!


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